jueves, 22 de abril de 2010


This invention, I thinck that it’s very funny, because I never see a person whit this type of umbrella. I think that it’s very practical, because with this plastic around you allow walk without fear of getting wet clothes. And as the plastic is transparent you can see all. But I think that I never spend my money with this type of things.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010


I choose this advertisement because I like it very much. I think that this add is very funny because that when the person in front of you are drinking his drink, you can see the tooth draw of the glass. In my opinion the advertisement is also very original, there isn’t any company that use this type of promotion.

domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Poema con una sola vocal

Los dos solos
Somos como polvo

Somos como ojos rojos

Somo monos locos

Somos lobos como motos

Somos todos los logros.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009


THINGS I'VE DONE-One of the things that always I like me to do is go fishing.
I have gone fishing a lot of times, I have going there since I was 5 years old.
I thing that you are going to try it, it's a lot of fun.


-I've never when to Hawai.
I love it, but I think that is very expensive and, it's very far.
But if some day I can't go there I'm not goingo to say no.

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009


This summer I didn't when to any place for holidays, but in august, I went to Barcelona, and I can't see play FCB.

There where incredible, all people of all places in the world came there for saw play these team.

In the foto you can't see me in the Nou Camp, which began an hour forward the match.

This they was be the more perfect day in the summer.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

Sinopsis: Zona Libre

Michelle Morris, una chica de 25 años, es maltratada por su marido desde hace dos años, ella intenta pedir ayuda a los policias, pero no le hacen caso, ya que su marido les paga por no ayudarla.
Cuando lo descubre, Michelle, decide irse de su pueblo, Gastrom hacia el norte para crear un club de mujeres maltratadas.
Pero lo que ella no sabe, es que ese club le va a canbiar la vida.